Seaside: Yes Please!

Seaside: Yes Please!

June 28, 2021

Seaside: Yes Please!

Unless you’re lucky enough to live close enough to an ocean that you can visit it quite frequently, there is absolutely nothing that can compare to walking down the sandy beach and being met by the cold ocean water with kisses to your toes. With summer finally in full swing and the school year being over, many of us will probably be taking trips down to the seaside for a little bit of well-deserved relaxation. Nothing else can compare to the serenely euphoric feeling that the crisply soft crashing of ocean waves give off; walking along the ocean break as the sun is setting or the stars are shining, and the world just seems a little smaller than it normally does. The ocean truly allows for you to take a step back and appreciate the quiet moments of life – the moments that we may glance over a little too often. The ocean, and those quiet moments when you’re sitting in the sand by yourself, or with someone you love, simply staring off in a comfortable silence, allows for you to appreciate the delicate importance of simply being alive and present in that moment. The moment of sandy toes curling in deeper, salty hair blowing in the wind, ocean water casually spraying you in the face as if kissing you hello, and the uniquely fresh scent of the ocean breeze wafting all around. The ocean, and the scents that come along with it, are uniquely their own and curate a wholly human experience unlike any other.

TLC is all about crafting candles that create moments, pockets of time throughout the day, that are truly calm - moments throughout the day that give you the time to reflect and truly feel appreciative and content about the world. TLC attempts to create candles that manufacture moments and feelings similar to that of ocean evenings even if you are hundreds of miles away tucked away in your home under a blanket. So, when the world is feeling a little too overwhelming and big, creating a moment in your home that will bring back the feelings of stepping into ocean water and feeling a little bit smaller and at a peace in the world, is what TLC candles are all about. TLC’s sea salt scented candle Seaside was created with notes of sea salt, wood, and jasmine, to perfectly replicate the delicate and salty fresh scent of the ocean breeze on a comfortably warm beach summer day. This candle will make any corner of your home feel like a beach get-away and leave you feeling as content as you would coming home from a day spent in the water with rosy cheeks and tummies filled with beach-made sandwiches.

It is undeniable that the ocean is unique in the ways that it brings many people the same sense of contented happiness. The oddly specific textures and smells that come along with the beach are ones that are hard to replicate in candles, but TLC hopes that the owner’s many trips down to the ocean gave her the right amount of expertise to perfectly handcraft a candle that measures up to the true thing. The next time you are wanting to feeling simply content and as if all your worries are being washed away from salty ocean water, strike a match to TLC’s Seaside and have a quiet moment to yourself.

-Kenzington Baxter, Guest Writer

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