March 05, 2021
Life demands a lot from us on a daily basis. Staying motivated, productive, and positive within a busy schedule can be extremely difficult when you simply do not have the motivation to complete the tasks that you need to. When you have hit that mid-week wall of exhaustion and are beginning to prepare yourself for a remaining lackluster week of effort wishing for five o’clock on Friday to show up, try and fight back against that draining feeling of exhaustion.
TLC may be a little biased with this opinion, but candles, and the aromas that they emit, can be the perfect solution for a multitude of issues dragging you down in life - for example, a lack of energy within the week. TLC knows the kind of effort that it takes to pursue hard work, which is why, TLC created a candle with a sweetly fresh citrus scent that awaken not only your senses, but your mind and body as well. Citrus Tree is TLC’s orange citrus candle that is scented with notes of tropical citrus fruits and exotic mountain greens to curate the perfect aroma of overwhelmingly sweet and delectable oranges that are tamed by the calming and hearty scents of mountain greens. I don’t know about you, but the scent of oranges reminds me of the energy of life with images of sweaty summer days and hot rays of sun with sticky fingers covered in orange juice. With the light of TLC’s Citrus Tree, you could bring the energy of summer into your simple moments of “me time” with the help of the aromatherapy benefits that come along with citrus scents such as orange. Similar to many other candle scents, the aroma of orange decreases stress and anxiety and helps to calm the body. However, while scents such as lavender may be beneficial to help you fall asleep at night, the smell of orange will boost your energy and get you up and moving again, perfect for those mid-week work slumps. Some say that the scent of citrus can increase production of serotonin and increase stimulation within the brain which will help you feel rejuvenated and be able to take a breath of fresh air as you feel your energy begin to flood through your body once more. Next time you are feeling exhausted because the demands of the work week are becoming a little too much, consider lighting TLC’s Citrus Tree during a moment of “me time” to bring a new sense of vibrancy and liveliness into your refreshed world.
As a result of TLC’s humble beginnings, they know what it feels like to be completely drained but still have daily duties and expectations from not only work, but yourself and your family. Sometimes, all of our energy runs out and we simply have nothing left to give. However, the next time you find yourself in that situation, do not accept the lazy week that is to come, but light Citrus Tree and create a moment of “me time” that will serve to benefit you like no other. TLC has made all of their candles with their customers, and the tribulations of real life, in mind, and have thus created a line of candles that are meant to serve as aids to help you be the best version of yourself – and frankly, you can’t do that without a little bit of energy. So next time you are feeling a bit lethargic, light a match to TLC’s orange citrus candle and regain your energy for life once again.
-Kenzington Baxter, Guest Writer
October 17, 2022
October 17, 2022
October 07, 2022
"Sourced with tender, love, and care to nourish your soul and inspire your senses. To live life is to experience emotion...Enjoy, you are worth it!"
- Tami L Crawford
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