Tomato Garden: Digging in Deep

Tomato Garden: Digging in Deep

June 21, 2021

Tomato Garden: Digging in Deep

I remember being a kid, and like many others, absolutely hating tomatoes unless they happened to be in some mashed and pureed form that topped something else that appeared to be much more desirable. However, as I’ve come to grow up and my taste buds have luckily decided to mature alongside me, I have grown to love the sweet, yet slightly acidic, tang of this vegetable – or is it a fruit?

Every summer season, as my parents would begin to buy new flowers to refill our gardens with vibrant life again, they would always make sure to buy two or three tomato plants to take care of through the blistering summer season as well. Watching and waiting as the once small plants quickly shot up and began growing bright red bulbs from previously tiny white flowers. My mother would go out and care for these plants like children and be over the moon ecstatic every time a new ‘mater was ready to be picked and cut and used in our homemade dinner for that night.

Tomatoes remind me of sweltering summer days when it becomes so hot that you almost can’t feel it anymore. They remind me of the smell of gardens and the earthy tangs that come off of the plants and their stems. It reminds me of the itchiness of grass, but its comforting scent. It reminds me of the calmness of summer afternoons and my childhood spent around the care and exuberance of my mother. TLC’s handcrafted soy candle Tomato Garden perfectly encapsulates all of these feelings that come along with a homegrown tomato; this uniquely curated candle was developed with scents of tomato leaf, lemon peel, lemongrass, basil, and thyme, to make any room during a summer afternoon feel like a garden. With this carefully created candle, every light will bring you closer to earth despite not having a green thumb. The hints of tomato leaf, basil, and thyme mix together to create the tangy earthy tones the are distinct to fresh produce. These tangy and acidic scents are then expertly balanced out by the sweetness that comes with the aromas of the notes of lemon peel and lemongrass. All of these notes of scents will ultimately culminate together to create the perfect depiction of a freshly cut ripe tomato during the summer while the hot evening air blows through an open window.

Next time you are looking for a perfect summer candle that will liven up a room with its freshness, but also bring serenity and calm with its comfort, think about striking a match to TLC’s unique, yet elegant, tomato leaf candle Tomato Garden. Although it may sound odd to have a candle that smells like tomatoes burning in your home, its sweet and tangy notes will leave your reminiscing about summer days and the comfort that comes from those blistering hot days under the sun.

-Kenzington Baxter, Guest Writer

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